El papel de las ideas en la calidad de las instituciones


  • Martin Krause Profesor de Economía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. El autor quiere reco-nocer el apoyo recibido por la Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI (Córdoba, Argentina) para la realización de la investigación que permitió desarrollar este trabajo.




The relevance of institutional quality to progress has been widely accepted in academia where we can find a growing number of studies focusing on the positive effects a better quality generates. Some of these effects include a higher per capita GDP, a larger volume of investments and innovation, better environmental quality and a higher standard of living.

Nevertheless, the present article, aims at considering a logically previous subject, which is not just the consequences of good institutions but its causes. Particularly, we try to respond to the following question: If institutional quality is so important for progress in society, what determines that some have achieved a better than others? The search for an answer will lead us to consider the role of ideas in the institutions that evolve in specific societies.

Key words: Institutions, Ideas, Institutional Change, Origin of Institutions, Theories on Institutional Change.

JEL Classification: P51, P52.


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How to Cite

El papel de las ideas en la calidad de las instituciones. (2015). REVISTA PROCESOS DE MERCADO, 12(1), 13-55. https://doi.org/10.52195/pm.v12i1.148