Economic freedom and development in Chile: The end of an accelerated modernization





This essay analyzes the evolution of economic freedom in Chile for the period 1970-2018. In light of the evidence, three periods of marked differences are presented for Chile: the “great expansion of economic freedom” (1980-1995), the “consolidation of economic freedom” (1995-2009) and the “stagnation and decline of economic freedom” (2010-2018). The essay argues that the expansion and subsequent stagnation of economic freedom in Chile is related to its successful development process and its current deterioration. The essay also uses the Chilean case as an illustration to make a key point in the theory of economic development, by showing that the relationship between institutions and development occurs through the speed by which economic freedoms expand over time and not necessarily through a technocratic and planned development process. This relationship between institutions and economic growth, via a general expansion of economic freedom, has not been recognized by development economics. The evidence for Chile suggests that the presence of institutions that dynamically promote high degrees of economic freedom is a sine qua non condition to sustain sustainable growth rates in the long run.


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2023-02-20 — Updated on 2023-02-20





How to Cite

Economic freedom and development in Chile: The end of an accelerated modernization. (2023). REVISTA PROCESOS DE MERCADO, 19(2).